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Hope is Near! Vaccines, PPE, Back to School and Campaign Launch Soon

Hope is on the way!  We are hoping most of our staff are vaccinated or have appointments to be vaccinated.  If you have not yet been vaccinated or are unable to find an appointment, please reach out for help.  We have several members that have gone above and beyond to help staff get appointments.  Dr. Lang was able to get 2 members appointment in addition to Sue Rosa having 58 members vaccinated with unaccounted for vaccine!  Dr. Lang and Sue Rosa will try to help get those 58 individuals appointments for the second dose but if you are able to set up your own appointment, that's okay as well - just let Dr. Lang know if you managed to set up a second appointment vaccination.

Vaccination Buttons will be dropped off at all schools this week.  We have a limited supply but we will let you know where to get them (more than likely from your building rep)

The central office has been listening to concerns.  They have ordered 1200 new desks for classes that only had tables (for distancing purposes), tents to be placed at several schools, plexi glass shields for individual desks.  The roll out will be by grade level.  Elementary Schools  return to full time learning on April 5th.  Middle School April 26, and High School t.b.a. but more than likely May 3.

Families are being able to choose fully remote or fully in person.  Staff who were remote, if the numbers warrant it, will be able to stay remote.  Information is still being gathered for this.

If there is still a concern (health concerns, unable to vaccinate, etc.) - please reach out to HR with medical documentation.  If central office can accommodate, we are sure they will try as best they can.

However, because DESE did take the return to school out of locals hands, we will need to comply with back to school initiatives.

There is still opportnity for leaves of absences if you are concerned about safely returning to your classroom. Reach out to HR for info or speak to an eBoard member.

Elementary schools will have the next two Wednesday afternoons to help prepare classrooms.  You do not need to teach remotely on March 24 or March 31 in the afternoon.  Use this time to ready your classroom.

We do understand staffing is a concern as well as the change to specialists schedule.  We will be discussing this with concerned parties in the very near future.


We will be launching a marketing campaign for  Fair Wage increases for our para support professionals and administrative staff.  Please keep an eye out for this.  We want to get ahead of the game for negotiations.  Recently many support staff spoke to school committe members about the salary inefficiencies for even making ends meet.  Please know we hear you and are going to help you.

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